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Hi, I'm Melissa


My name is Melissa Hahn, and I am running to be your next District D Board of Education member for Harford County Public Schools. I decided to run, because I feel many of the decisions being made by the Board are negatively affecting our children. I, personally, have two children in HCPS schools and the events over the last two and a half years have highlighted many troubling issues within our schools. As a substitute teacher in HCPS, I watch first-hand the daily struggles of administrators, teachers, staff, and especially our children. I believe our schools can be better, and our children deserve the very best. Their interests need to come first in every decision being made in our schools. I see so many children falling through the cracks and I want to ensure that every child in HCPS gets a top-notch education and becomes a productive, successful member of society. Together, we can elevate our children to accomplish their best.  Together, we can show our children how to be successful. By bringing together teachers, staff, parents, and the community, we can create a school system that works for everyone. I want teachers to love teaching again, children to love school again, and parents to be an integral part of their children's learning. As a member of the Board of Education, I will work for all of our children.


I have been advocating for our children for more than two years speaking at the County Council and Board of Education meetings. Being a substitute teacher in HCPS,  I see first hand the many issues going on inside of our schools and I want to fix them. I will work hard to ensure that parents are informed, have access to completely transparent curriculum and to give parents a voice. I will request a complete audit with all expenditures from top to bottom so we can cut wasteful spending and get the money going back in the schools. I will hold our superintendent accountable and put the needs of our students first. I know how important it is to provide the teachers and students with the tools necessary to be successful. I will work to address the security and safety of our schools.  I will work to address the growing mental health crisis currently happening In our schools. I will give the teachers and administrators the support they need and I will be available for parents, teachers, students and staff to reach out and voice their concerns. 


Together, we can be the change our children need!


Ready for School

Children's educational needs come first


Parental bill of rights is essential

Quality education free from divisive material and agendas

Transparent and accessible curriculum

Eliminate wasteful practices

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